The Board of the European Polymer Federation is pleased to announce that the EPF Prize for 2025 has been awarded to Marc A. Hillmyer, “for significant contributions across the spectrum and life cycle of plastics from monomer sourcing to efficient polymer syntheses to understanding application and processing potential and designing circular materials”.

Polymeer Technologie Nederland (PTN) is proud to announce the 2025 Medema Award winner: Costantino Creton.
The award is named after Dick Medema, former R&D director at Shell. After his retirement, he took on the role of chairman at PTN. He was regarded as a unifying force and a great inspiration within the Dutch polymer community. In memory of his remarkable legacy, PTN is proud to present this annual award for the most groundbreaking research in the field of polymers.

POLYMER announces the winners of the 2024 Andrew Keller Award for Best European Paper.
This prestigious award recognizes outstanding research published in POLYMER by European scientists, honoring the legacy of Andrew Keller, a pioneer in polymer physics.

Edith Perret (Laboratory for Advanced Fibers, EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
Paper: "Drug delivery with melt-spun liquid-core fibers"
First Runner-up:
Matthew A. H. Farmer (University of Sheffield, UK)
Paper: "Jeffamine-based diblock copolymer nanoparticles via reverse sequence polymerization-induced self-assembly in aqueous media"
Second Runner-up:
Jens Gaitzsch (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung, Dresden, Germany)
Paper: "Supercritical RROP: Exploring the Radical Ring-Opening Polymerization of 2-Methylene-1,3,5-trioxocane in Supercritical CO₂ as a Green Solvent"
The European Polymer Congress 2025, in collaboration with POLYMER, is delighted to announce the winners of the EPF Future Faculty and Researchers Award. This award recognizes outstanding young scientists
who have made significant contributions to polymer science and engineering and are currently senior postdoctoral researchers in non-permanent positions within Europe.
Each of the awardees will present a Feature Talk at EPF 2025, where they will share their groundbreaking work with the international polymer community. Additionally, they will contribute an invited article to a Special Issue of POLYMER, further highlighting their innovative research.